Tarmac Cold Lay Macadam is a cold lay repair solution that is ready to use straight from the bag.
It provides a quick and cost effective repair solution for paths and driveways.
For repairs to roads or car parks, we would recommend using ULTIPATCH POTHOLE our BBA HAPAS accredited cold-lay asphalt for fast, permanent road repairs
Tarmac Cold Lay Macadam Applications
- Cold Lay Macadam is ideal to be used to make repairs to driveways.
- Cold Lay Macadam can be used to make temporary ramps and ramping.
- The properties in Cold Lay Macadam make it ideal for repairing potholes.
- Cold Lay Macadam is ideal for use in minor repairs to walkways.
- Cold Lay Macadam can be used for making repairs to footpaths.
- The properties of Cold Lay Macadam means that it is suitable for base or wearing course.