Ultipatch Edgemaster Spray

Ultipatch Edgemaster Spray is a high bond bitumen tack coat and sealer for use in conjunction with Ultipatch cold lay repair and reinstatement materials.


Ultipatch Edgemaster Spray

Ultipatch Edgemaster Spray is a high bond bitumen tack coat and sealer for use in conjunction with Ultipatch Cold lay repair and reinstatement materials.

Edgemaster will increase the bond strength of the macadam material to the substrate, whilst simultaneously acting to waterproof the application area – these two key properties help to improve the macadam’s overall performance through preventing water ingress and subsequent freeze / thaw damage which helps to create a long lasting permanent repair.

Benefits and Applications of Edgemaster Spray


  • Effective bond
  • Economical – minimises waste
  • Can be applied in any weather
  • Seals cracks
  • Easy to use with a clean finish
  • Seals joints preventing weak points


  • Sealing Repairs – for the edges of road repairs
  • Sealing Tack Coat – quick and effective tack coat for use in road repairs
  • Sealing Cracks – quick and effective sealant for cracks during road repairs